Welcome Workshop

What is Welcome Workshop?

Twice a year, preferably at the beginning of the new semester, newly arrived doctoral students are to be given the opportunity to receive all the necessary information on doctoral studies in a short workshop.

Short inputs on possible offers, such as the Graduate Academy's qualification programme, but also on other Clausthla University of Technlogy service facilities, are planned for this purpose.

If necessary, support can be provided for the administrative steps. It is also possible to create a personal curriculum and ask individual questions on the topic of doctoral studies.

The central concern is to get to know newly arrived doctoral students and to establish one's networks.



Welcome Workshop SoSe 19

Lerne andere junge Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen kennen und vernetze Dich!


ab 14 Uhr Welcome Workshop

Du bist neue(r) Promovierende(r) an der TU Clausthal und möchtest…

-Informationen rund um das Thema Promotion

-Unterstützung und Beratung

-Wissenswertes zu den Serviceenrichtungen der TU Clausthal erfahren

-andere Promovierende bei entspannter Atmosphäre kennenlernen?


ab 15.30 Uhr Get-Together

Für dein leibliches Wohl wird gesorgt!


Anmeldung bis zum 21. Mai via E-Mail an graduiertenakademie@tu-clausthal.de

Bitte gib die Teilnahme am Welcome Workshop bzw. Get-Together mit an.


Due to the measures taken to avoid the spread of the corona virus, there will be no Welcome Workshop in the summer semester 2020.


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