Graduate Academy > Qualification Programme & Events > Clausthal Night of the Proms - Career Night

Clausthal Night of the Proms - Career Night

First Clausthal Night of the Proms


An event for doctoral students and postdocs of the Clausthal University of Technology with silver doctoral, science elevator, music, drinks and networks.

Successful alumni of Clausthal University of Technology report on their way to success. At the Clausthal Science Elevator, young scientists are invited to present their own research topic in the style of an elevator pitch.


Friday, 27th of september 2019

8 pm

(Aula Academica)


  • Short presentations by our career ambassadors: successful careers with doctoral hats
  • music, drinks and conversations
  • Mitternachtsschrei

 ...celebrating, networking and career planning with Clausthal style



All young scientists, teachers, learners and other interested parties are invited to attend.

Herzlich eingeladen sind alle NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen, Lehrende, Lernende und Interessierte

Please contact us by email:


An initiative of the alumni management, the graduate academy and the doctoral student representation of the Clausthal University of Technology

Pictures of the first "Clausthal Night of the Proms" dated to 27.09.2019 and press release


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