Graduate Academy > Doctorate > Information to Doctorate/Download

Information to Doctorate/Download

According to §2 of the Regulations of the Graduate Academy of Clausthal University of Technology dated 12/07/2016, all doctoral students of Clausthal University of Technology are members of the Graduate Academy. All offers and services of the Graduate Academy are open to them.

Here you will find the Joint Doctoral Regulations of the Faculty of Natural and Materials Sciences, the Faculty of Energy and Economics and the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering of November 15th 2016.

TU Clausthal awards scholarships to finalize doctorates.


You can find further interesting information brochures on the topic of doctoral studies/young scientists here:

- Doing a Doctorate in Clausthal (Guide Book Doctorate)

- Studieren und Forschen in Deutschland (Informationsbroschüre des DAAD)

- Handlungsempfehlungen für Promovierende (Informationsbroschüre des QZP)

- Bundesbericht Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs 2017

- Kompetenzen von Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern. Entwicklung eines Kompetenzmodells. (UniWind Publikation Bd. 6)

- Ratgeber Promotion (Zeit Campus in cooperation with Klaus Tschira Stiftung gemeinnützige GmbH)

- Newsletter 01/2018

- Newsletter 01/2019

- Newsletter 02/2019

- Newsletter 01/2020

- Newsletter 02/2020

- Newsletter 01/2021

- Newsletter 02/2021


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